  • 韩伟

  • 职务:课题组组长, 特聘研究员

  • 电话:+86-755-2603-2949

  • 邮箱:hanw@pkusz.edu.cn

  • 课题组主页:http://web.pkusz.edu.cn/han/

  • 教育背景及工作经历

    2015-至今       威廉英语app深圳英国威廉希尔公司 特聘研究员
    2011-2015        美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校 博后
    2008-2011       香港科技大学 博后
    2003-2008       香港科技大学 化学专业 博士
    1998-2002        威廉英语app 化学专业 学士
  • 奖项及荣誉


  • 研究兴趣



  • 代表性成果


    1. Han, W.; Schulten, K. (2014) “Fibril elongation by Aβ(17-42): Kinetic network analysis of hybrid-resolution molecular dynamics simulations” Journal of the American Chemical Society 136, 12450.
    2. Han, W.; Cheng, R. C.; Maduke, M. C.; Tajkhorshid, E. (2014) “Water access points and hydration pathways in CLC H+/Cltransporters” Proceedings of the National Academy of Science USA 111, 1819 (see the highlight at PNAS 2014, 111, 1668).
    3. Sothiselvam, S.; Liu, B.; Han, W.; Ramu, H.; Klepacki, D.; Atkinson, G.; Brauer, A.; Remm, M.; Tenson, T.; Schulten, K.; Vazquez-Laslop, N.; Mankin, A. S. (2014) “Macrolide antibiotics predispose the ribosome for programmed translation arrest of regulatory peptides” Proceedings of the National Academy of Science USA 111, 9804.
    4. Han, W.; Schulten, K. (2012) “Further optimization of a hybrid united-atom and coarse-grained force field for folding simulations: improved backbone hydration and interactions between charged side chains” Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 8, 4413.
    5. Han, W.; Wan, C.-K.; Jiang, F.; Wu, Y.-D. (2010) “PACE force field for protein simulations. 1. Full parameterization of version 1 and verification” Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 6, 3373.
    6. Wu, Y.-D.; Han, W.; Wang, D.P.; Gao, Y.; Zhao, Y.L. (2008) “Theoretical analysis of secondary structures of β-peptides” Account of Chemical Research 41, 1418.
    7. Han, W.; Wu, Y.-D. (2007) “Coarse-grained protein model coupled with a coarse-grained water model: Molecular dynamics study of polyalanine-based peptides” Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 3, 2146 (co-corresponding author).
    8. Han, W.; Wu, Y.-D. (2005) “A strand-loop-strand structure is a possible intermediate in fibril elongation: Long-time simulations of amyloid-β peptide (10-35)” Journal of the American Chemical Society 127, 15408.

职务 课题组组长, 特聘研究员 电话 +86-755-2603-2949
邮箱 hanw@pkusz.edu.cn