威廉英语app深圳英国威廉希尔公司化学基因组学实验室筹建于2003年,2006年作为深圳大学城九家拟建国家重点实验室之一成为深圳市重点实验室。实验室目前拥有专职教师19人,其中有中国科学院院士1名、长江学者4名、鹏城学者2名和“双百计划”科技领军人才2名,博士生导师 8 人。
Chemical Genomics is a newly emerged multidisciplinary research area that concerns systematic study of biological targets using chemical probes and links together Synthetic Chemistry, Biochemistry, Genomic Sciences and High-Throughput Screening (HTS) technologies. Key Laboratory of Chemical Genomics was established with funds from both SZPKU and Shenzhen Municipal Government in 2006 and has been accredited as a Guangdong Province Key Laboratory in 2007. Leveraging on the universe of resources of PKU and economic strength of the greater Shenzhen-Hong Kong metro area, Laboratory of Chemical Genomics is committed to excellence and leadership in both scientific research and graduate education. During the past three years, Key Laboratory of Chemical Genomics has spent tremendous efforts in recruiting accomplished scholars and educators to its faculty from around the world and in developing the-state-of-the-art infrastructure capable of supporting multidisciplinary biomedical research, particularly in the areas critical to drug discovery and development, such as synthetic organic chemistry, medicinal chemistry, chemical biology, structural biology, molecular and cell biology, developmental biology, combinatorial screening methodology, computational chemistry, and bioinformatics.
Under a conceptually new framework that effectively breaks down the traditional boundary and integrates scientists of various disciplines under one roof, Key Laboratory of Chemical Genomics is devoted to discovering and developing new generation of medicines that could help address some of the most critical medical needs, particularly in the anti-viral and anti-cancer areas, through orchestrated efforts of our independent yet highly cooperative research groups. Key Laboratory of Chemical Genomics is also playing an increasingly important role in educating and inspiring some of China’s brightest young minds to better serve the nation’s rapidly advancing biotech and pharmaceutical industries. Our innovative graduate program, representing the first of its kind in China, is carefully designed to give students multidisciplinary yet focused training in the above core areas while at the same time maintaining a standard as rigorous as that of a classical PKU education in more traditional disciplines.
Key Laboratory of Chemical Genomics